Design and implement a Java program to create a class roster of student names. The program will maintain a current roster of students within a given course. Student data for the program includes student ID, first name, last name, e-mail address (valid emails contain an @ and .), age, and array of grades (the maximum number of grades will be five). Error checking of data is required. The program should allow entry of student information via the keyboard with the maximum number of students being 10. Once the data is entered the program should then allow the user to retrieve the entire roster or an individual student's information via the students ID number. The program in both instances should display all of the information listed above plus the program should calculate the students average and display it along with the letter grade associated with the numeric grade. Letter grades are based upon the following:
A – 90- 100
B – 80- 89
C – 70- 79
D – 60- 69
F – 59 and below