1. Design a Java method to swap the contents of two files.

2. Design a method in the "SinglyLinked" class to swap the first and last nodes of a singly linked list. "SinglyLinked" can be found in the "Course Documents" My professor has already given me The "SinglyLinked" class you just have to design a method inside of it to swap the first and last nodes of a singly linked list. here is the class.

public class SinglyLinkedList
private Node head;
private Node cursor;

public SinglyLinkedList ()
head = null;
cursor = null;

private void resetCursor ()
cursor = head;

private Node getCursorPos ()
return cursor;

private boolean hasNext ()
return (cursor.getLink () != null);

private Node getNext ()

cursor = cursor.getLink ();
return cursor;

private boolean empty ()
return (head == null);

private void stepCursorBack ()
Node temp = null;
if (!empty ())
if (cursor != head)
temp = head;
while (temp.getLink () != cursor)
temp = temp.getLink ();
cursor = temp;

private void moveCursorToRear ()
if (!empty ())
while (hasNext ())
getNext ();


public void traverse ()
if (!empty ())
resetCursor ();
System.out.println (cursor);
while (hasNext ())
System.out.println (getNext ());


public void addToFront (Integer newMember)
Node newNode = new Node (newMember);

newNode.setLink (head);
head = newNode;
resetCursor ();

public void addToRear (Integer newMember)
if (empty ())
addToFront (newMember);
moveCursorToRear ();
Node newNode = new Node (newMember);
cursor.setLink (newNode);


public Node search (Integer key)
Node found = null;
if (!empty ())
resetCursor ();
if (cursor.getData ().equals (key))
found = cursor;

if (hasNext ())
getNext ();
} while (true);
return found;


public boolean delete (Integer key)
Node found = search (key);

if (found == null)
System.out.println ("key not found");
return false;
if (found == head)
head = found.getLink ();
resetCursor ();
cursor = found;
stepCursorBack ();
cursor.setLink (found.getLink ());

System.out.println ("key deleted");
return true;


public String toString ()
String outString = "";
if (!empty ())
resetCursor ();
outString += (cursor + " ") ;
while (hasNext ())
outString += (getNext () + " ");

return outString;


3.Design a method in the "SinglyLinked2" class to dynamically expand the array if it runs out of spaces for nodes. "SinglyLinked2" can be found in the "Course Documents" . Same thing we are just working with a class that has already been made, we are just designing a method in it to expand the array if it runs out of space for nodes.

public class SinglyLinkedList
private int head;
private int cursor;

private Node[ ] spaces;
private int capacity;

public SinglyLinkedList ()
head = -1;
cursor = -1;
capacity = 10000;

spaces = new Node [capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i ++)
spaces[i] = new Node ( );

for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
spaces[i].setLink (-2);


private void resetCursor ()
cursor = head;

private int getCursorPos ()
return cursor;

private boolean hasNext ()
return (spaces[cursor].getLink () != -1 );

private Node getNext ()

cursor = spaces[cursor].getLink ();
return spaces[cursor];

private boolean empty ()
return (head == -1);

private void stepCursorBack ()
int temp = -1;
if (!empty ())
if (cursor != head)
temp = head;
while (spaces[temp].getLink () != cursor)
temp = spaces[temp].getLink ();
cursor = temp;

private void moveCursorToRear ()
if (!empty ())
while (hasNext ())
getNext ();


public void traverse ()
if (!empty ())
resetCursor ();
System.out.println (spaces[cursor]);
while (hasNext ())
System.out.println (getNext ());


private int NEW ( )
int indexOfTheNextOpenSpace = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
if (spaces[i].getLink () == -2)
indexOfTheNextOpenSpace = i;

return indexOfTheNextOpenSpace;


public void addToFront (Integer newMember)
int newNode = NEW ();
if (newNode == -1)
System.out.println ("no space available");
spaces[newNode].setData (newMember);
spaces[newNode].setLink (-1);
spaces[newNode].setLink (head);
head = newNode;
resetCursor ();

public void addToRear (Integer newMember)
if (empty ())
addToFront (newMember);
moveCursorToRear ();
int newNode = NEW ( );
if (newNode == -1)
System.out.println ("no space available");
spaces[newNode].setData (newMember);
spaces[newNode].setLink (-1);
spaces[cursor].setLink (newNode);



public int search (Integer key)
int found = -1;
if (!empty ())
resetCursor ();
if (spaces[cursor].getData ().equals (key))
found = cursor;

if (hasNext ())
getNext ();
} while (true);
return found;


public boolean delete (Integer key)
int found = search (key);

if (found == -1)
System.out.println ("key not found");
return false;
if (found == head)
head = spaces[found].getLink ();
resetCursor ();
cursor = found;
stepCursorBack ();
spaces[cursor].setLink (spaces[found].getLink ());

System.out.println ("key deleted");
deAllocate (found);

return true;


private void deAllocate (int found)
spaces[found].setLink (-2);

public String toString ()
String outString = "";
if (!empty ())
resetCursor ();
outString += (spaces[cursor] + " ") ;
while (hasNext ())
outString += (getNext () + " ");

return outString;

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