Enumerated sets. The weather can be in one of three states [sunny, overcast, raining]. Create an enumerated set (call the type state) and state variable to model the current weather. Extend this into an application that allows a user to indicate if the weather is improving or deteriorating, a suitable message should be output each time the state changes. The application should allow user inputs (a char will do) until an unrecognized char is entered. A partial solution is below
boolean finished=false;
char command;
while(!finished) {
System.out.println("Weather state :"+current);
System.out.println("Enter i for improving, d for deteriorating:");
command =
switch(command) {
case 'i': current = improveState(current);
case 'd': current = worsenState(current);
default: finished=true; //any other char ends program
} // case
} // while
public static state improveState(state present)
// return an improved state
public static state worseState(state present)
// return a worsened state