Guessing Game: Computer generates a number in a range between 1 and 100. And then ask user enter a guess. When user’s guess is lower than the answer, then give a hint (Too low) and then show a new range for next guess as shown in the sample run. If player enters a value outside of valid range, then you should give a warning and request a valid input. Player can guess until they get the right answer and program tracks the number of guess. Hint: Use the Math.random() method to calculate a random value.
Here is a sample run:
Okay, I decided a number between 1 and 100. Try a guess[1,100]: 45
Noop! Try lower. [1,44]: 20
Noop! Try lower. [1,19]: 10
Noop! Try higher. [11,19]: 15
YES!! You got it after 4 times.