Develop a letter guessing game in this assignment.
1). When the game is started, generate a random letter between A and Z;
2). Display a message "I have a secret letter (A to Z), can you guess what it is?";
3). Read the user's answer;
4). Compare the user's answer and the random secret letter generated;
5). If the user answer is before the random secret letter in the alphabet, display "Incorrect. Try something bigger" and go to Step 2;
6). If the user answer is after the random secret letter in the alphabet, display "Incorrect. Try something smaller" and go to Step 2;
7). If the user answer is the same as the random secret letter, display "Well done. Want to play again (y/n)?";
8). Read the user's answer. If the answer is 'y', go to Step 1. If the anser is 'n', go to Step 9.
9). Display "Thanks for playing the game. Goodbye!". The program stops.