Project Description You are given an interface for a type of list. The list works like this:
Write a class that implements this interface. The class uses linked nodes to implement the list.
Class Header and Instance Data Variables
Your class header and instance data variables will be:
public class LinkedFrontBackCappedList< T >
implements FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > {
private Node head, tail;
private Node head, tail; Use the same nested Node class that is used in LList. I have provided a shell file for you to start with.
You CAN add additional variables other than head and tail.
For Full Credit:
Class Requirements
I strongly recommend working on the methods below in the order listed.
String toString()
boolean isEmpty()
boolean isFull()
int size()
T getEntry(int)
void clear()
boolean addFront(T)
boolean addBack(T)
T removeFront()
T removeBack()
boolean contains (T)
int indexOf(T)
int lastIndexOf(T)
Style and Efficiency
* An interface for a list.
* Entries in a list have positions that begin with 0.
* Entries can only be removed or added to the beginning (front) or end (back) of the list.
* Entries can be accessed from any position.
* The size of the list is limited ("capped"). When the limit is reached, no more entries can be added.
public interface FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > {
* Adds a new entry to the beginning of the list if the list is not full.
* If the entry is added, entries currently in the list are shifted down and
* the list size is increased by 1.
* @param newEntry The object to be added as a new entry.
* @return true if the object was added, false if the list was full and thus the object was not added
public boolean addFront(T newEntry);
* Adds a new entry to the end of the list if the list is not full.
* Entries currently in the list are unaffected.
* If the entry is added, the list size is increased by 1.
* @param newEntry The object to be added as a new entry.
* @return true if the object was added, false if the list was full and thus the object was not added
public boolean addBack(T newEntry);
* Removes an entry from the beginning of the list.
* Entries currently in the list are shifted up.
* If an entry is removed, the list size is decreased by 1.
* @return A reference to the removed entry or null if the list is empty.
public T removeFront();
* Removes an entry from the end of the list.
* Entries currently in the list are unaffected.
* If an entry is removed, the list size is decreased by 1.
* @return A reference to the removed entry or null if the list is empty.
public T removeBack();
/** Removes all entries from this list. */
public void clear();
* Retrieves the entry at a given position in this list.
* @param givenPosition An integer that indicates the position of the desired entry.
* @return A reference to the indicated entry or null if the index is out of bounds.
public T getEntry(int givenPosition);
* Determines the position in the list of a given entry.
* If the entry appears more than once, the first index is returned.
* @param anEntry the object to search for in the list.
* @return the first position the entry that was found or -1 if the object is not found.
public int indexOf(T anEntry);
* Determines the position in the list of a given entry.
* If the entry appears more than once, the last index is returned.
* @param anEntry the object to search for in the list.
* @return the last position the entry that was found or -1 if the object is not found.
public int lastIndexOf(T anEntry);
* Determines whether an entry is in the list.
* @param anEntry the object to search for in the list.
* @return true if the list contains the entry, false otherwise
public boolean contains(T anEntry);
* Gets the length of this list.
* @return The integer number of entries currently in the list.
public int size();
* Checks whether this list is empty.
* @return True if the list is empty, or false if the list contains one or more elements.
public boolean isEmpty();
* Checks whether this list is full.
* @return True if the list is full, or false otherwise.
public boolean isFull();
public class LinkedFrontBackCappedList< T > implements FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > {
private Node head, tail;
public class Node {
public T data;
public Node next;
private Node(T dataValue) {
data = dataValue;
next = null;
private Node(T dataValue, Node nextNode) {
data = dataValue;
next = nextNode;
private T getData() {
return data;
private void setData(T newData) {
data = newData;
private Node getNextNode() {
return next;
private void setNextNode(Node nextNode) {
next = nextNode;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ProjectBDriver {
private static boolean allTestsPassed = true;
private static FrontBackCappedListInterface< Integer > list;
public static void main(String[] args) {
list = new LinkedFrontBackCappedList< Integer >(10);
// runExtraCreditTests();
System.out.println("\n\n-----------------------------TESTING COMPLETE-----------------------------");
if(allTestsPassed) {
System.out.println("----------Summary---------- \nAll automated tests have passed.");
System.out.println("Make certain that you manually looked at the output to check how your list is displayed.");
System.out.println("Also be sure to manually review your code for style and efficiency. This tester does NOT test for efficiency!");
} else {
System.err.println("**********Summary********** ERROR: There is failure in at least one automated test. Review the output above for details.");
public static void runEmptyListTests() {
System.out.println("-----------------------------TESTING ISEMPTY AND EMPTY DISPLAY-----------------------------");
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the expected result for if the list is empty
// parameter 3: the expected result for if the list is full
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the expected size of the list
testSize(list, 0);
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the expected String returned from the toString method
testDisplayMatch(list, "[]\tsize=0\tcapacity=10");
public static void runAddToBackTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING ADD TO BACK-----------------------------");
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: indicates if we are adding to the front or back
// parameter 3: the values to add; values are added from the array beginning (index 0) to end;
// for example, {1, 2, 3} will first add 1 to the back, then 2 to the back, then 3 to the back
// parameter 4: expected return value (true if the element was added, false otherwise)
// parameter 5: a description of the test
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new Integer[] {7}, true, "addBack to empty list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "[7]\tsize=1\tcapacity=10\thead=7 tail=7");
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new Integer[] {9, 5}, true, "addBack to singleton list");
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, false);
testSize(list, 3);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[7, 9, 5]\tsize=3\tcapacity=10\thead=7 tail=5");
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new Integer[] {5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 6}, true, "addBack to fill the list");
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, true);
testSize(list, 10);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[7, 9, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 6]\tsize=10\tcapacity=10\thead=7 tail=6");
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new Integer[] {4}, false, "addBack to full list");
testSize(list, 10);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[7, 9, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 6]\tsize=10\tcapacity=10\thead=7 tail=6");
public static void runClearTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING CLEAR-----------------------------");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[]\tsize=0\tcapacity=10");
public static void runAddToFrontTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING ADD TO FRONT-----------------------------");
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: indicates if we are adding to the front or back
// parameter 3: the values to add; values are added from the array beginning (index 0) to end;
// for example, {1, 2, 3} will first add 1 to the front, then 2 to the front, then 3 to the front
// parameter 4: expected return value (true if the element was added, false otherwise)
// parameter 5: a description of the test
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new Integer[] {2}, true, "addFront to empty list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "[2]\tsize=1\tcapacity=10\thead=2 tail=2");
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new Integer[] {4, 3}, true, "addFront to singleton list");
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, false);
testSize(list, 3);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[3, 4, 2]\tsize=3\tcapacity=10\thead=3 tail=2");
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new Integer[] {7, 9, 5, 4, 3, 8, 1}, true, "addFront to fill the list");
testIsEmptyFull(list, false, true);
testSize(list, 10);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]\tsize=10\tcapacity=10\thead=1 tail=2");
testAdd(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new Integer[] {4}, false, "addFront to full list");
testSize(list, 10);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]\tsize=10\tcapacity=10\thead=1 tail=2");
public static void runContainsTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING CONTAINS-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2});
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the element to look for
// parameter 3: the expected result (true if the list contains that element, false otherwise)
// parameter 4: a description of the test
testContains(list, 1, true, "element is in the first position");
testContains(list, 2, true, "element is in the last position");
testContains(list, 5, true, "element is in the middle");
testContains(list, 3, true, "element is in the list more than once");
testContains(list, 0, false, "element is not in the list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "[1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]\tsize=10\tcapacity=10\thead=1 tail=2");
public static void runIndexOfTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING INDEX OF-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2});
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: indicates if we are finding the index of the first or last match
// parameter 3: the value to search for
// parameter 4: expected result (the index where the element appears)
// parameter 5: a description of the test
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 1, 0, "first element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 2, 9, "last element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 5, 4, "element in the middle of the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 3, 2, "repeated element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.FIRST, 0, "element not in the list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "[1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]\tsize=10\tcapacity=10\thead=1 tail=2");
public static void runLastIndexOfTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING LAST INDEX OF-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2});
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 1, 0, "first element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 2, 9, "last element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 5, 4, "element in the middle of the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 3, 7, "repeated element in the list");
testIndexOf(list, IndexPosition.LAST, 0, "element not in the list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "[1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]\tsize=10\tcapacity=10\thead=1 tail=2");
public static void runRemovesTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING REMOVES-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2});
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: indicates if we are removing from the front or back
// parameter 3: if it exists, this is the expected value returned from the remove
// parameter 4: a description of the test
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, 1, "remove front from non-empty odd-length list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "[8, 3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]\tsize=9\tcapacity=10\thead=8 tail=2");
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, 8, "remove front from non-empty even-length list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "[3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 2]\tsize=8\tcapacity=10\thead=3 tail=2");
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, 2, "remove back from non-empty odd-length list");
testDisplayMatch(list, "[3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4]\tsize=7\tcapacity=10\thead=3 tail=4");
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, 4, "remove back from non-empty even-length list");
testSize(list, 6);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3]\tsize=6\tcapacity=10\thead=3 tail=3");
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, "remove front from empty");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
testSize(list, 0);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[]\tsize=0\tcapacity=10");
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, "remove back from empty");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
testSize(list, 0);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[]\tsize=0\tcapacity=10");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1});
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, 1, "remove front from singleton added to back");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1});
list.clear(); list.addFront(1);
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, 1, "remove front from singleton added to front");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1});
list.clear(); list.addFront(1);
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, 1, "remove front from singleton added to front");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {1});
testRemove(list, AddRemovePosition.BACK, 1, "remove from back singleton added to back");
testIsEmptyFull(list, true, false);
public static void runMixOfAddsRemovesTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING MIX OF ADDS AND REMOVES-----------------------------");
list.addFront(3); list.addBack(2); list.addFront(4);
list.addFront(5); list.addBack(3); list.addBack(8);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[5, 4, 3, 2, 3, 8, 9]\tsize=7\tcapacity=10\thead=5 tail=9");
list.removeFront(); list.removeBack();
testDisplayMatch(list, "[4, 3, 2, 3, 8]\tsize=5\tcapacity=10\thead=4 tail=8");
list.addFront(4); list.addBack(3); list.addBack(5); list.addBack(4);
testDisplayMatch(list, "[4, 3, 5, 4]\tsize=4\tcapacity=10\thead=4 tail=4");
public static void runGetEntryTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING GET ENTRY-----------------------------");
clearAndRefillTheList(list, new Integer[] {4, 3, 2, 3, 8});
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the index at which you will get the element
// parameter 3: the expected result (the element at the specified index)
// parameter 4: a description of the test
testGetEntry(list, 0, 4, "getting first position");
testGetEntry(list, 4, 8, "getting last position");
testGetEntry(list, 2, 2, "getting a middle position");
// parameter 1: the list
// parameter 2: the index at which you will get the element; these method calls test invalid indices
// parameter 3: a description of the test
testGetEntry(list, -1, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 11, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 5, "invalid index");
testGetEntry(list, 7, "empty (invalid) index");
public static void runTestsWithStrings() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING WITH STRINGS-----------------------------");
FrontBackCappedListInterface< String > wordList = new LinkedFrontBackCappedList< String >(20);
testAdd(wordList, AddRemovePosition.FRONT, new String[] {"job!", "Nice", "it!", "did", "You"}, true, "test with Strings");
testAdd(wordList, AddRemovePosition.BACK, new String[] {"You", "rock!"}, true, "test with Strings");
testDisplayMatch(wordList, "[You, did, it!, Nice, job!, You, rock!]\tsize=7\tcapacity=20\thead=You tail=rock!");
testContains(wordList, new String("it!"), true, "test with Strings");
testIndexOf(wordList, IndexPosition.FIRST, new String("You"), 0, "test with Strings");
testIndexOf(wordList, IndexPosition.LAST, new String("You"), 5, "test with Strings");
public static void runExtraCreditTests() {
System.out.println("\n-----------------------------TESTING EXTRA CREDIT-----------------------------");
// parameter 1: the contents of List A (the invoking object)
// parameter 2: the capacity of List A
// parameter 3: the contents of List B (the parameter object)
// parameter 4: the capacity of List B
// parameter 5: the expected result (POSITIVE, NEGATIVE< or ZERO)
// parameter 6: a description of the test
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {}, 10,
new Integer[] {}, 10,
PosNegZero.ZERO, "both empty lists");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {}, 5,
new Integer[] {}, 10,
PosNegZero.ZERO, "both empty lists with different capacities");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {1}, 10,
new Integer[] {}, 10,
PosNegZero.POSITIVE, "no mismatched elements found; listA is longer than listB");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {1}, 10,
new Integer[] {1, 2}, 10,
PosNegZero.NEGATIVE, "no mismatched elements found; listA is shorter than listB");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {1, 2}, 10,
new Integer[] {1, 2}, 10,
PosNegZero.ZERO, "no mismatched elements found; lists are equal length");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {3, 4}, 10,
new Integer[] {3, 4}, 5,
PosNegZero.ZERO, "no mismatched elements found; lists are equal length but have different capacities");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {1, 2, 3}, 10,
new Integer[] {1, 2, 4}, 10,
PosNegZero.NEGATIVE, "for first mismatched element, the listA element (3) is less than than the corresponding listB element (4)");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {1, 2, 6}, 10,
new Integer[] {1, 2, 4}, 10,
PosNegZero.POSITIVE, "for first mismatched element, the listA element (6) is greater than than than the corresponding listB element (4)");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 7}, 10,
new Integer[] {7}, 10,
PosNegZero.NEGATIVE, "for first mismatched element, the listA element (1) is less than than the corresponding listB element (7)");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {3}, 10,
new Integer[] {2, 1, 4, 3, 7}, 10,
PosNegZero.POSITIVE, "for first mismatched element, the listA element (3) is greater than than the corresponding listB element (2)");
testCompareTo(new Integer[] {1, 2, 3}, 10,
new Integer[] {4, 2, 3}, 10,
PosNegZero.NEGATIVE, "for first mismatched element, the listA element (1) is less than than the corresponding listB element (4)");
testCompareTo(new String[] {"a","b","c"}, 10,
new String[] {"a","b", new String("c")}, 10,
PosNegZero.ZERO, "no mismatched elements found; lists are equal");
testCompareTo(new String[] {"a","b","c"}, 10,
new String[] {"a","b", new String("c")}, 20,
PosNegZero.ZERO, "no mismatched elements found; lists are equal length but have different capacities");
* The methods below are designed to help support the tests cases run from main. You don't
* need to use, modify, or understand these methods. You can safely ignore them. :)
* Also, you can ignore the use of generics in the tester methods. These methods use
* generics at a level beyond which we use in our class. I only use them here to make this a robust
* and useful testing file. You are NOT required to understand the use of generics in this way.
public static < T > void testDisplayMatch(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, String expectedOutput) {
System.out.println("\nManual check of contents using toString: \nExpected output: " + expectedOutput);
System.out.println(" Actual output: " + list.toString() +"\n");
public static < T > void testIsEmptyFull(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, boolean expectedEmptyResult, boolean expectedFullResult) {
System.out.println("\nTesting isEmpty for list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected: " + expectedEmptyResult + "\n Actual: " + list.isEmpty());
if(expectedEmptyResult != list.isEmpty()) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED");
System.out.println("\nTesting isFull for list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected: " + expectedFullResult + "\n Actual: " + list.isFull());
if(expectedFullResult != list.isFull()) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED");
public static < T > void testSize(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, int expectedSize) {
System.out.println("\nTesting size method for list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected size: " + expectedSize + "\n Actual size: " + list.size() );
if(expectedSize != list.size()) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED");
public static < T > void clearAndRefillTheList(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, T[] valuesToAdd) {
for(T value : valuesToAdd) {
System.out.println("\nList cleared and refilled and now contains: " + list);
public static < T > void testAdd(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, AddRemovePosition positionToAdd, T[] valuesToAdd, boolean expectedResult, String testDescription) {
System.out.println("\nTesting add method: trying to add " + Arrays.toString(valuesToAdd) + " to " + positionToAdd + " of list");
System.out.println("List before adding: " + list);
int beforeSize = list.size();
for(T value : valuesToAdd) {
boolean actualResult;
if(positionToAdd==AddRemovePosition.FRONT) {
actualResult = list.addFront(value);
} else { // positionToAdd==Position.BACK
actualResult = list.addBack(value);
if(actualResult!=expectedResult) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect return value when adding " + value + ".\ttest:" + testDescription);
System.out.println("Expected return result: " + expectedResult + "\n Actual return result: " + actualResult);
if(expectedResult==false && beforeSize==list.size()) {
System.out.println("List was full and add was unsuccessful, as expected.");
System.out.println("List after adding: " + list);
if(expectedResult==true) {
int afterSize = list.size();
int expectedAfterSize = beforeSize+valuesToAdd.length;
if(expectedAfterSize != afterSize) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect size after adding " + Arrays.toString(valuesToAdd) + ".\ttest:" + testDescription);
System.out.println("\nExpected after size: " + expectedAfterSize + "\n Actual after size: " + afterSize);
} else {
T expectedLastAddedValue = valuesToAdd[valuesToAdd.length-1];
T actualLastAddedValue;
if(positionToAdd==AddRemovePosition.FRONT) {
actualLastAddedValue = list.getEntry(0);
} else { // positionToAdd==Position.BACK
actualLastAddedValue = list.getEntry(list.size()-1);
if(!expectedLastAddedValue.equals(actualLastAddedValue)) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect list contents. Review the output below.\ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T > void testContains(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, T element, boolean expectedResult, String testDescription) {
boolean actualResult = list.contains(element);
System.out.println("\nTesting contains for target=" + element + " in list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected result: " + expectedResult);
System.out.println(" Actual result: " + actualResult);
if(expectedResult!=actualResult) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED.\ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T > void testIndexOf(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, IndexPosition indexPosition, T element, String testDescription) {
testIndexOf(list, indexPosition, element, -1, testDescription);
public static < T > void testIndexOf(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, IndexPosition indexPosition, T element, int expectedResult, String testDescription) {
int actualResult;
String methodName = "ndexOf";
if(indexPosition==IndexPosition.FIRST) {
actualResult = list.indexOf(element);
methodName = "i" + methodName;
} else { // position==IndexPosition.LAST
actualResult = list.lastIndexOf(element);
methodName = "lastI" + methodName;
System.out.println("\nTesting " + methodName + ": finding target=" + element + " in list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected " + indexPosition + " index result: " + expectedResult);
System.out.println(" Actual " + indexPosition + " index result: " + actualResult);
if(expectedResult< 0 && actualResult >=0) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED when finding the index of an element not in the list. \ttest:" + testDescription);
System.out.println(" Result should indicate the element is NOT on the list.");
} else if(expectedResult!=actualResult) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED when finding the index. \ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T > void testGetEntry(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, int position, String testDescription) {
testGetEntry(list, position, null, testDescription);
public static < T > void testGetEntry(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, int position, T expectedResult, String testDescription) {
T actualResult = list.getEntry(position);
System.out.println("\nTesting getEntry for target index = " + position + " in list: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected element at index " + position + ": " + expectedResult);
System.out.println(" Actual element at index " + position + ": " + actualResult);
if(expectedResult==null && actualResult!=null) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED when using an invalid position. \ttest:" + testDescription);
} else if(expectedResult!=null && !expectedResult.equals(actualResult)) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED to get the expected element. \ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T > void testRemove(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, AddRemovePosition positionToRemove, String testDescription) {
testRemove(list, positionToRemove, null, testDescription);
public static < T > void testRemove(FrontBackCappedListInterface< T > list, AddRemovePosition positionToRemove, T expectedResult, String testDescription) {
System.out.println("\nTesting remove: trying to remove from the " + positionToRemove + " of list");
System.out.println("List before removing: " + list);
int beforeSize = list.size();
T actualResult;
if(positionToRemove==AddRemovePosition.FRONT) {
actualResult = list.removeFront();
} else { // positionToRemove==Position.BACK
actualResult = list.removeBack();
System.out.println("List after removing: " + list);
System.out.println("Expected returned result: " + expectedResult + "\n Actual returned result: " + actualResult);
int expectedAfterSize = 0, actualAfterSize = 0;
if(expectedResult!=null) {
actualAfterSize = list.size();
expectedAfterSize = beforeSize-1;
if(expectedAfterSize != actualAfterSize) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED with the wrong list size when removing from " + positionToRemove + ". \ttest: " + testDescription);
System.out.println("Expected after size: " + expectedAfterSize + "\n Actual after size: " + actualAfterSize);
if(expectedResult==null && actualResult!=null) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect element returned. \ttest:" + testDescription);
} else if(expectedResult!=null && !expectedResult.equals(actualResult)) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: incorrect element returned. \ttest:" + testDescription);
public static < T extends Comparable< ? super T > > void testCompareTo(T[] contentsListA, int sizeA, T[] contentsListB, int sizeB, PosNegZero expectedResult, String testDescription) {
System.out.println("\nTesting compareTo: ");
System.out.println("\t Invoking List A contents: " + Arrays.toString(contentsListA));
System.out.println("\tParameter List B contents: " + Arrays.toString(contentsListB));
LinkedFrontBackCappedList< T > listA = new LinkedFrontBackCappedList< >(sizeA);
for(T item : contentsListA) {
LinkedFrontBackCappedList< T > listB = new LinkedFrontBackCappedList< >(sizeB);
for(T item : contentsListB) {
int result = listA.compareTo(listB);
PosNegZero resultRange;
if(result< 0) {
resultRange = PosNegZero.NEGATIVE;
} else if(result >0) {
resultRange = PosNegZero.POSITIVE;
} else {
resultRange = PosNegZero.ZERO;
System.out.println("Expected result = " + expectedResult);
System.out.println(" Actual result = " + resultRange);
if(resultRange!=expectedResult) {
allTestsPassed = false;
System.out.println("**********TEST FAILED: " + testDescription);
public static enum AddRemovePosition {
public String toString() {
return super.toString().toLowerCase();
public static enum IndexPosition {
public String toString() {
return super.toString().toLowerCase();
public static enum PosNegZero {
POSITIVE("invoking List A > parameter List B"), NEGATIVE("invoking List A < parameter List B"), ZERO("the two lists are \"equal\"");
private String text;
private PosNegZero(String text) {
this.text = text;
public String toString() {
return this.text;
public boolean matches(int value) {
if(this==POSITIVE) {
return value > 0;
} else if(this==NEGATIVE) {
return value < 0;
} else {
return value==0;
Write the compareTo method to order lists this way: