Write a program to simulate the Least-Recently-Used (LRU) Page Replacement Algorithm that appears on page 366 of the textbook. In particular, the simulator should accept the following input from standard input (stdin):
For example:
0 0 2
1 1 1
3 0 1
is valid input. There are 5 virtual pages (numbered 0, 1, ... 4), 3 page frames (numbered 0, 1, 2) in memory, 3 references listed: page 0 is read from for 2 clock ticks, page 1 is written to for 1 clock tick, and page 3 is read from for 1 clock tick.
Maintain a page table as an array. Use page number as an index to the array. The array should include an R-bit, an M-bit, and a Present/Absent bit, as well as the frame currently mapped.
R-bit = 1 if page has been referenced recently (read/write) M-bit = 1 if page has been modified (needs to be written to disk)
Corresponding to the previous example, the page table could look like this way:
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2
0 0 0 0
The first row indicates the virtual page 0 is mapped to the physical page 0. The page has been referenced and is present in the physical memory.
Assume that the R-bit is reset to 0 after a set of 6 pages have been referenced. This is to simulate a reset after each clock interrupt.
The output from the simulator should indicate whenever a fault occurs, and which page has been evicted (if one is evicted). Always select the smallest numbered page in a class to be evicted. In addition, the output should include the total number of faults that occurred.
The possible output would look something like:
: :
Fault: no page evicted, page 0 brought in to memory.
Fault: page 2 evicted, page 3 brought in to memory.
: :
Total number of faults is 23.