Open the Magazine Solution (Magazine Solution.sln) fi le contained in the VB2010Chap13Magazine Solution-Introductory folder. If necessary, open the designer window. Th e application is connected to the Magazines database, which is stored in the Magazines.accdb fi le. Th e database contains a table named tblMagazine; the table has three fi elds. Th e Cost fi eld is numeric. Th e Code and MagName fi elds contain text. Start the application to view the records con- tained in the dataset, and then stop the application. Open the Code Editor window. Code the btnCode control’s Click event procedure so that it displays the record whose Code fi eld contains PG24. Code the btnName control’s Click event procedure so that it dis- plays only the Java record. Code the btnAll control’s Click event procedure to display all of the records. Save the solution and then start and test the application. Close the Code Editor window and then close the solution.