Dr. Ely has a stack of graded exams on his desk. All grades are integers with the lowest possible grade being a 0 and the highest possible grade being 100. He would like to know if more students got a grade in the 'B' range or a grade in the C range on the exam (the lowest score for a C is a 70, the lowest for a B is an 80, and the lowest for an A is 90. There is no such thing as a C- or C+, these scores are all just a C grade. The B grades work in a similar fashion).
Write a program that allows Dr. Ely to input each exam score into the program, one at a time, until Dr. Ely terminates input by typing in a -1. The program should correctly print one of the following three messages:
35 , 90 , 100 , 83 , 2 , 62 , -1 | There were more 'B' grades than 'C' grades |
99 , 34 , 99 , -1 | There were an equal number of 'B' and 'C' grades |
79 , 30 , 85 , 74 , 0 , 74 , 81 , 55, -1 | There were more 'C' grades than 'B' grades |
-1 | There were an equal number of 'B' and 'C' grades |
44, 80 , 89, 72, 100, 80 -1 | There were more 'B' grades than C grades |