Design and implement your own adventure game scenario. The game can be anything that has as its basic structure an idea of a player moving through different locations.
Some possible examples:
Using the World-of -Zuul game as an example (Chapter 6 in Barnes and Kolling), make sure that you are following good design principles, such as low coupling with the use of encapsulation, high cohesion, no code duplication, responsibility-driven design. In order to gain more marks (see sample Marking table below) you can increase the complexity of the game by adding, for example, items for the player to pick up or to put down in each room, up-down movement, instant transportation to some chosen location etc. However, please notice that the main purpose of this assignment is to create a very clean, responsibility-driven design, following good software engineering practices such as low coupling and high cohesion, and clear documentation for your code (see documentation guidance in Section 10 in Chapter 5 of your course book).