A) Numerologists claim to be able to determine a person's character traits based on the "numeric value" of a name. The value of a name is determined by summing up the values of the letters of the name where 'a' is 1, 'b' = 2, ..., 'z' = 26. Upper- and lower-case letters are treated as equal. Write a program that prints the numeric value of a single name (first or last) entered by the user. You can assume there will be NO PUNCTUATION in the entered name.
Example: Tindell
would have the values 20+9+14+4+5+12+12 = 76.
Hint: you should use ord() to help with the number.
B) Write a program that calculates the average word length in a sentence by the user. Develop your own test data (create a sentence, count the words, the chars and figure the average). You can assume there will be NO PUNCTUATION in the entered sequence and you are not to count blank spaces.
Example: The fastest way to home is by car
this sentence has 8 words with 26 letters, therefore, the average word length is 3.25