This assignment is an extension of The South Pacific Hotel (snowfall) program. You will be given the snowfall data (4 sites, 5 years) in a file and some code to read it from file. You will then need to store the data in a 2D array, then get the next years data as input (year 6) and be able to calculate averages (as before), in addition you will need to be able to add data for a new site (site 5), add a sort or a search function (e.g. sort by total, by average, search for smallest or biggest) and save data (5 sites, 6 years) to a different file (not snowfall.dat).
Your program must not crash. You have several options to prevent crashes:
a) use try/catch
b) use regex (regular expressions)
c) use both
Design & Test & User Documentation:
Submit a Word document (3 pages) containing the following:
1. Your program design, you can use flowchart, IPO, pseudocode (not code).
2. Your test data and expected results (this means do the maths on paper first) and a test report. You should have at least three test cases
3. A user guide, include any assumptions you make (e.g. max snowfall), any errors/bugs, any suggestions for future improvements