Create a class called Payroll. In it, write a constructor to accept values for the number of hours worked, hourly pay and the number of dependents. Write a method called getGrossPay to compute the gross pay, a method called getTaxableIncome to compute the taxable income, get a method called getTaxes to compute the amount of taxes and a method called getNetPay to compute the net pay. Also, create a second file to pass the three values described above to the Payroll class and print gross pay, taxable income, taxes and net pay.
Following is the complete code from lecture notes several weeks ago.
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class application1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double hourly_pay, hours_worked,gross_pay;
double num_dependents, reduction_rate, taxable_income, taxes,net_pay;
Scanner k = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the number of hours worked = ");
hours_worked = k.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the hourly pay = ");
hourly_pay= k.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the number of number of dependents = ");
num_dependents = k.nextDouble();
if (hours_worked <= 40)
gross_pay = hourly_pay * hours_worked;
else if (hours_worked <= 60)
gross_pay = hourly_pay * 40 + hourly_pay * 1.5 * (hours_worked - 40);
//Gross pay = 10(40) + 15(12) = 580
//gross_pay = hourly_pay * 40 + hourly_pay * 1.5 * (hours_worked%40);
gross_pay = hourly_pay * 40 + hourly_pay * 1.5 * (60 - 40) + hourly_pay * 2 * (hours_worked - 60);
//Gross pay = 10(40) + 15(20) + 20(15) = 1000
//gross_pay = hourly_pay * 40 + hourly_pay * 1.5 * (60 - 40) + hourly_pay * 2 * (hours_worked%60);
if (num_dependents == 0)
reduction_rate = 0;
else if (num_dependents == 1)
reduction_rate = 0.04;
else if (num_dependents == 2)
reduction_rate = 0.0775;
else if (num_dependents == 3)
reduction_rate = 0.1125;
else if (num_dependents == 4)
reduction_rate = 0.145;
else if (num_dependents == 5)
reduction_rate = 0.175;
reduction_rate = 0.2025;
taxable_income = gross_pay * (1 - reduction_rate);
//taxable income = 2000(1 - 11.25/100) = 1775
if(taxable_income <=500)
taxes = taxable_income *0.1;
else if(taxable_income <=1000)
taxes = (500*.1)+((taxable_income-500)*0.15);
else if(taxable_income <=1500)
taxes = (500*.1)+(500*.15)+((taxable_income-1000)*0.25);
else if(taxable_income <=2000)
taxes = (500*.1)+(500*.15)+(500*.25)+((taxable_income-1500)*0.40);
taxes = (500*.1)+(500*.15)+(500*.25)+(500*.4)+((taxable_income-2000)*0.50);
DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
System.out.println("Gross pay = $" + f.format(gross_pay));
System.out.println("Taxable income = $" + f.format(taxable_income));
System.out.println("Taxes = $" + f.format(taxes));
System.out.println("Net pay = $"+ f.format(net_pay));