Students will create a C++ program that simulates a Pokemon battle. Students will be expected to create a Pokemon trainer that owns 3 pokemons and an enemy pokemon using object-oriented programming (OOP). The assignment is focused on dynamic variables and composition.


You've been assigned the role of creating a Pokemon fight simulator between a Pokemon Trainers Pokemons (player) and the enemy CPUs Mewtwo.

The player being the pokemon trainer will form its team based on a list of pokemons that will be provided in a file.

After the team is created, you need to create a Pokemon battle simulation that will run until the health points (HP) of the pokemons in the team or the enemy reaches 0.

In the simulation, the player's Pokemons will battle the enemy Mewtwo. Mewtwo will always be the first one to initiate the attack, then youll attack, and so on until the simulation ends.

The pokemon trainer can choose the attack of the current pokemon fighting. Once a pokemon's HP reaches 0 you cannot use it anymore.

Once the battle is over, you will be greeted with the message "You win" or You lose depending on whether the pokemon trainer won the battle.

Instructions to complete the assignment

Your code must perform these major operations:

  • Utilize a while loop to continuously get each person's turn (player and CPU)
  • Use OOP to create a Pokemon object, allowing 3 attacks which are to be made using functions
  • Use OOP to create a Pokemon Trainer that has an array of pokemons. The pokemons will be provided from the input
  • Using print statements that reflect the status of the battle

Move.h (Move Struct) Each move struct must have the following attributes:

  • Name (string)
  • Damage (int)

Pokemon.h and Pokemon.cpp:

  • Name (string)
  • Health (int)
  • Moves (Array of 3 Moves)
  • Constructor Pokemon(string name): The class constructors takes in name as parameter and creates the pokemon object accordingly with the right values for health and available attacks (details in the list below). Note that Mewtwo only gets one attack, so 2 elements of the Moves array will remain empty.
  • function move(int index, Pokemon& target): This function uses as parameter the index of the attack to use (from 0 to 2) and a reference to the pokemon who is being attacked. The health of the target will be reduced according to the attack received. You won't confuse your target in this simulation.
  • Accessors (getHealth)
  • Accessor getName: returning the Pokemon name.
  • Accessors getFirstMove, getSecondMove, and getThirdMove that will return Pokemon's moves 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
  • Function void move(int index, Pokemon& target): this function uses as parameter the index of the attack to use (from 0 to 2) and a reference to the pokemon who is being attacked. The health of the target will be reduced according to the attack received. If Electro Ball is used, the target's health does not change but they get confused and skip the next turn.,
  • Function void displayMoves(). This function presents the user with a list of available moves, in this format, for example: Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, or Quick Attack

Pokemon Stats

  • Pokemon different than Mewtwo (270 HP)
    • 3 Moves provided in the input file
  • Mewtwo (650 HP)
    • Psycho Cut (-90 HP)

PokemonTrainer.h and PokemonTrainer.cpp:

Private attributes:

  • maxNumberPokemons (int)
  • currentNumberPokemons (int)
  • indexPokemonFighting (int)
  • teamHealth (int)
  • pokemons (pokemon*)

Public member functions:

  • Default constructor: will set the maximum number of pokemons to 3, the current number of pokemons to 0, the index of the pokemon fighting to 0, the team health to 0, and will create the array of pokemons with the maximum number of pokemons as size;
  • Copy constructor (make sure to use deep copy)
  • Destructor
  • Overloaded copy-assignment operator = (make sure to create deep copy).
  • Mutator setTeamHealth
  • Accessors getTeamHealth, getMaxNumberPokemons, getCurrentNumberPokemons, and getIndexOfCurrentPokemonFighting
  • void type addPokemon: Takes a pokemon (Pokemon) as a parameter and adds it to the team of pokemos. Increase the number of pokemons and if the team is full do not add it.
  • void type displayTeam: Presents the team with the format
Pokemon Team
< Pokemon 1 Name> with moves < Pokemon 1 moves>
< Pokemon 2 Name> with moves < Pokemon 2 moves>
< Pokemon 3 Name> with moves < Pokemon 3 moves>
  • Pokemon& type getPokemonFighting: returns the current pokemon fighting
  • getPokemonFigthingName: returns the name of the current pokemon fighting
  • getPokemonFightingHealth: returns the health of the current pokemon fighting
  • void type displayPokemonFightingMoves: displays the moves of the current pokemon fighting
  • getSelectedMoveIndex: Takes a move name (string) as a parameter, looks for the move in the pokemon moves and return the corresponding index.
  • void type pokemonFightingAttacks: takes in as parameter the index of the attack to use (from 0 to 2) and a reference to the pokemon who is being attacked. The current pokemon fighting attacks with the corresponding move.
  • void type nextPokemonToFight: increases indexPokemonFighting.


  • Read the name of the file with the list of pokemons from the input.
  • Create an array of 5 pokemons. There will always be 5 pokemons in the file.
  • Read pokemons from file and store them in the array
  • Create Pokemon Trainer object and enemy Pokemon Mewtwo
  • Display pokemons list so the user can form their team
  • Form the team
  • Start the battle. End if either Mewtwo or the team of pokemons HP reaches 0
    • mewtwo always attacks first
    • check if we need to change pokemons, if so print the change in pokemon
    • print current pokemon and attack options
    • get user move choice
    • attack based on the user choice
  • Print who won the battle

Input file format example.txt:

Pikachu // Pokemon 1 info
Electro Ball
Quick Attack


Bulbasaur // Pokemon 5 info
Vine Whip
Sludge Bomb
**Console Input/Output **

Sample input

Quick Attack
Flame Burst
Flame Burst
Vine Whip
Sludge Bomb

Sample output

List of Pokemons to choose
Number 1
Name: Pikachu
Moves: Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, or Quick Attack
Number 2
Name: Charmander
Moves: Scratch, Ember, or Flame Burst
Number 3
Name: Bulbasaur
Moves: Tackle, Vine Whip, or Sludge Bomb
Number 4
Name: Squirtle
Moves: Tackle, Bubble, or Water Pulse
Number 5
Name: Spearow
Moves: Peck, Quick Attack, or Body Slam

Enter the number of the pokemon you want to add to your team:
Enter the number of the pokemon you want to add to your team:
Enter the number of the pokemon you want to add to your team:

Pokemon Team
Pikachu with moves Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, or Quick Attack
Charmander with moves Scratch, Ember, or Flame Burst
Bulbasaur with moves Tackle, Vine Whip, or Sludge Bomb

Prepare to fight, the battle will start now!
Mewtwo used Psycho Cut
Your current pokemon fighting is Pikachu
It can use Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, or Quick Attack
Pikachu used Thunderbolt
Mewtwo used Psycho Cut
Your current pokemon fighting is Pikachu
It can use Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, or Quick Attack
Pikachu used Quick Attack
Mewtwo used Psycho Cut
Pikachu can't keep fighting
Charmander prepares
Your current pokemon fighting is Charmander
It can use Scratch, Ember, or Flame Burst
Charmander used Ember
Mewtwo used Psycho Cut
Your current pokemon fighting is Charmander
It can use Scratch, Ember, or Flame Burst
Charmander used Flame Burst
Mewtwo used Psycho Cut
Your current pokemon fighting is Charmander
It can use Scratch, Ember, or Flame Burst
Charmander used Flame Burst
Mewtwo used Psycho Cut
Charmander can't keep fighting
Bulbasaur prepares
Your current pokemon fighting is Bulbasaur
It can use Tackle, Vine Whip, or Sludge Bomb
Bulbasaur used Vine Whip
Mewtwo used Psycho Cut
Your current pokemon fighting is Bulbasaur
It can use Tackle, Vine Whip, or Sludge Bomb
Bulbasaur used Sludge Bomb
Mewtwo's health points reached 0. You win!
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