In this assignment, you'll be building a static website with one HTML file named purchase.html. The purpose of your webpage is to allow users to 'buy'--or rather pretend to buy--something. What you are selling is up to you (please don't 'sell' anything illegal). When you type="submit" your form, show the message 'You selected ' + the value of the selected radio button. Note: later we will generate using the values of all elements.
Figure: see image.
Your purchase form must have all elements and data shown. The state selections can be limited to only three (no need for 50). Other than having a border (any border), and a background color (any color other than white), style your page any way you want. You may use a < style> block insider purchase.html. Feel free to include an image if you want. However include the same number and order of elements.
In this assignment, you'll be generating a receipt when the Purchase from is filled out. You will also be adding client side validation to all input elements. For example, the zip code must be exactly 5 digits. You already have the Purchase HTML form from the previous assignment, which may look different than the one shown here in lightblue. You will be generating the HTML code to add the pink receipt shown below the HTML form.
Expected Behaviour: see image.
The purchase form and the receipt must have all elements and data shown. Other than the pink background, any border of your own choosing, and the < legend> Border generated in a legend: < /legend> inside a < fieldset>, feel free to style anyway you want. However, keep the same order of elements as shown.
Add any new needed styling to the < style> block and new Javascript to the < script> block to the file you used to complete the Purchase form assignment, which should be named purchase.html.
1) < fieldset> and < legend>
< fieldset>
< legend>Border generated in a legend: < /legend>
Content inside< br>
after a legend< br>
inside a fieldset
< /fieldset>
Figure: see image.
2) One JavaScript Date object
var today = new Date();
console.assert(9 == tokay.getMonth()); // Assuming it is now October. 9 is October, 0 is January, and 11 is December
3) toFixed(2)
To show 2 decimal places, send a toFixed(2) message to the number.
var aNumber = Number('10.');
console.log(aNumber); // 10
console.log(aNumber.toFixed(2)); // 10.00
Note: Consider apply the client side validation as the last thing to avoid typing in all required fields
The following table summarizes the list of input types needed for full credit. The column for Regex Expression shows the extra client side validation needed in the project. For example, the first input type should be written like this:
< input type="text" name="firstName" pattern="[A-Z a-z]*" required>
When done with Regex, make sure all inputs are required.
Input Type | Element | Regular Expression | Required? | Description |
text | firstName | [A-Z a-z]* | yes | Any number of spaces, upper case and lower case letters |
text | lastName | [A-Z a-z]* | yes | Any number of spaces, upper case and lower case letters |
text | phoneNumber | ^(\+0?1\s)?\(?\d{3})\)?[\s.-]\d{3}{\s.-]\d{4}$ | yes | Allows formats like this 520 123 4567 520-123-4567 (520) 123-4567 |
text | city | [A-Z a-z]* | yes | Any number of spaces, upper case and lower case letters |
select/option | state | n/a | yes | Customer's State. Must have at least four states of your own choosing |
text | zip | [0-9]{5} | yes | Exactly 5 digits |
radio | item1 item2 item3 | n/a | yes | Must have at least three different widgets to purchase |
number | quantity | n/a | yes | Accepts 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 only. Must be able to increment by 1 |
submit | submit button | n/a | n/a |