Create a graphics window program that will display the 5 side of a dice (see below second image).
You will need to have 3 functions. The main function, the dice function, the dot function. The main function calls the dice function which draws the white background representing the dice. The dice function calls the dot function which draws each of the 5 dots for every time it is called (see below first image).
Here is a suggestion for building this program.
First: Just build the program only using the main() function.
Second: Create a function called dice() to "draw" the white background.
Third: Create another function called dot(). This function will draw all 5 dots.
Forth: Change the order of the functions so that - From the main() function you call a dice() function to "build the dice. To draw the dots you will then need to call the dot() function (see below first image).
NOTE: Call the dot() function 5 times from the dice() function rather than drawing 5 dots inside the dice() function. There is no user input or interaction, the user is just running the program and the 5 side dice appears. see image.