Create a program that determines the cost of 3 items shipped with tax. The user will enter the following information for exactly 3 different items:
You will capture the 4 pieces of information for each of the 3 items. You will then let the user know what they bought, how much is the SubTotal, Shipping & Handling costs, the Tax and the Total.
You will display the following type of message (this is ONLY an example):
You have purchased: Shovel Planter Broom
The subtotal is $152.00
The Shipping and Handling costs are $14.50
The Tax is $13.68
The Total is $180.18
Shipping and Tax: Shipping is 25 cents a pound with a Handling charge of $5 per order. The Tax Rate is 9% of the Subtotal.
Test Data:
You need to develop some test data and put it into your comments in the program
Here is an example of test data
# Shovel $25.00 2 each 6lbs
# Planter $45.00 2 each 11lbs
# Broom $12.00 1 each 4lbs
# Subtotal is $152.00, Shipping & Handling is $14.50, Tax is $13.68 and the Total is $180.18