For this assignment you will implement a red-black tree. Additionally, we will make use of the null object pattern for the leaf nodes.
Implementing the node interface provided to write Node classes. The Node interface as follows:
public interface NodeInterface {
//Return the node's color
int getColor();
//Set the node's color
void setColor(int color);
//Returns true if the node or one of it's children contain the value
boolean contains(int value);
//Inserts a value into the correct position
void add(int value);
//Set the node's left child
void setLeftChild(NodeInterface n);
//Returns the node's left child
NodeInterface getLeftChild();
//Set the node's right child
void setRightChild(NodeInterface n);
//Returns the node's right child
NodeInterface getRightChild();
//Return the node's parent
NodeInterface getParent();
A red-black tree is a binary search tree with nodes colored red and black in a way that satisfies the following properties:
For the add operation, you need to remedy a potential double red violation; For the remove operation, you need to remedy a potential double black violation.
For the Red-Black tree class, you will implement four methods: add, remove, contains, and get. The first two methods modify the tree and might trigger rotations. The third method checks if the tree contains a value. The last method searches for a value within the tree and returns the node containing it. The tree interface follows:
public interface RedBlackTreeInterface {
int RED = 1;
int BLACK = 0;
//Inserts a value into the tree and performs the necessary balancing
void add(int value);
//Removes a value from the tree if present and performs the necessary balancing
void remove(int value);
//Returns true if the tree contains the specified value
boolean contains(int value);
//Returns node containing specified value
NodeInterface get(int value);
import data_structures.RedBlackTree;
import data_structures.RedBlackTreeInterface;
public class TestDriverProgram {
public final int[] testInsertSet = {12,4,23,56,15,29,1,3,6,7,30};
public final int[] testViolationSet = {3,1,5,7};
int RED = 1;
int BLACK = 0;
RedBlackTreeInterface oTree = new RedBlackTree();
* Constructor for TestDriverProgram class
public TestDriverProgram(){
* This function will test how the implementation handles
* violations that occur as items are added and deleted
* from the tree.
* Pay attention to some of the notes in the code below,
* this might help with fixing the issues.
private void testViolationHandlers() {
System.out.println("------ TEST: testing for violation handling ------");
// insert values into the tree
for(int i : testViolationSet){
// by this point the tree should have made a color swap
if(oTree.get(3).getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: root is not black");
if(oTree.get(3).getLeftChild().getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the color should be black");
if(oTree.get(3).getRightChild().getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the color should be black");
if(oTree.get(7).getColor() != RED)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the color of the new node should be red");
System.out.println("Color Swap handled correctly when inserting 3,1,5,7");
// This will force a right left rotation
if(oTree.get(5).getColor() != RED || oTree.get(7).getColor() != RED)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: node should be red after rotation and color swap");
if(oTree.get(6).getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: node should be black after color swap");
System.out.println("Left right rotation handled correctly after inserting 6");
// this will cause color flip
if(oTree.get(8).getColor() != RED)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: this inserted node should be red");
if(oTree.get(8).getParent().getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the parent for this node should be black");
if(oTree.get(8).getParent().getParent().getColor() != RED)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the grandparent for this node should be red");
if(oTree.get(8).getParent().getParent().getLeftChild().getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the aunt aunt/uncle node should be black");
System.out.println("Color flip applied correctly after inserting 8");
// this will cause a rotate left operation
if(oTree.get(11).getColor() != RED)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the inserted node should be red");
if(oTree.get(11).getParent().getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the parent for this node should be black");
if(oTree.get(11).getParent().getLeftChild().getColor() != RED)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the sibling for this node should be RED");
System.out.println("Rotate left performed correctly after inserting 11");
// this will cause a color flip + a Left rotation. Keep in mind that the
if(oTree.get(6).getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the root node should always be black");
if(oTree.get(3).getColor() != RED || oTree.get(8).getColor() != RED)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: don't forget to adjust colors after rotation");
if(oTree.get(6).getLeftChild().getValue() != 3)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the left child of the root should be 3");
if(oTree.get(6).getRightChild().getValue() != 8)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the right child of the root should be 8");
if(oTree.get(3).getLeftChild().getValue() != 1)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: left child should be 1 after operation");
if(oTree.get(3).getRightChild().getValue() != 5)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: right child should be 5 after operation");
System.out.println("Color flip + left rotation applied correctly");
throw new RuntimeException("Error: 15 should not exist in the tree");
System.out.println("Deletion of a node with no children applied correctly");
throw new RuntimeException("Error: 7 should not exist in the tree");
if(oTree.get(8).getRightChild().getValue() != 11)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the right child of 8 should be 11");
if(oTree.get(6).getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the root should always be black");
System.out.println("Deletion of a black node with no children applied correctly");
throw new RuntimeException("Error: 8 should not exist in the tree");
if(oTree.get(6).getRightChild().getValue() != 11)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the right child of the root node should be 11");
if(oTree.get(11).getParent().getColor() == RED)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: The parent of 11 should be black, root is always black");
System.out.println("Deletion of a node with a child applied correctly");
throw new RuntimeException("Error: 3 should not exist in the tree");
if(!oTree.contains(1) || !oTree.contains(5))
throw new RuntimeException("Error: 1 and 5 should still be in the tree");
if(oTree.get(6).getColor() != BLACK)
throw new RuntimeException("Error: the root is always black");
System.out.println("Deletion of a node with two children applied correctly");
System.out.println("Everything looks ok here");
catch(Exception e){
* These tests contain operation on values that don't exists in the tree.
private void testNonPresentValues() {
System.out.println("------ TEST: testing for some edge cases ------");
// test to see if handles search for values not in the tree
throw new RuntimeException("Error: 99 should not be in the tree");
throw new RuntimeException("Error: -89 should not be in the tree");
// test to see if we handle cases where the value doesn't exists
System.out.println("Everything looks ok here");
catch(Exception e){
* This tests if the values can be removed from the tree.
private void testRemove() {
System.out.println("------ TEST: remove(int value) ------");
// remove items
System.out.print("Removing: ");
for(int i : testInsertSet) {
System.out.print(i +" ");
System.out.println("Removed values from the tree without crashing - Good");
// check to see if the values are still there
System.out.print("Contains: ");
for(int i : testInsertSet){
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: found value that should be removed");
System.out.print(i +" ");
System.out.println("Verified that the tree doesn't contain the values - Good");
System.out.println("Everything Looks ok here");
catch(Exception e){
* Method will test if the implementation can add values to the tree.
private void testAdd() {
System.out.println("------ TEST: add(int value) ------");
// Add all the values in the testSet array
System.out.print("Inserting: ");
for(int i : testInsertSet){
System.out.print( i +" ");
System.out.println("Inserted all values into tree without crashing - Good");
// check that all those values were inserted
System.out.print("Contains: ");
for(int i : testInsertSet){
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: could not find value inside the tree");
System.out.print(i +" ");
System.out.println("Verified all values inserted are in the tree - Good");
System.out.println("Performing some preliminary tests:");
// preliminary checks without violation handling
if((oTree.get(30)).getValue() != 30)
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: did not get correct node");
if(oTree.get(7).getValue() != 7)
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: did not get correct node");
if(oTree.get(1).getValue() != 1)
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: did not get correct node");
System.out.println("Preliminary tests passed - Good");
System.out.println("Everything looks ok here");
catch (Exception e){
public static void main(String[] args) {
new TestDriverProgram();