Write queries for the following data needs using the RITDB_EMPLOYEE and RITDB_DEPARTMENT and RITDB_MANAGER tables in the DBMA2018 SCHEMA.
1) Write an SQL query to show the 2nd highest salary (number) from the RTIDB_EMPLOYEE table without using dense_rank, rank, top, limit, rownum or fetch.
2) Write an SQL query to print the employee_id, the full name of employee and their date of joining who make the highest salary in each of the departments in the RITDB_EMPLOYEE and RITDB_DEPARTMENT tables.
3) Write an SQL query to get the employee_id, full name, joining date and the full manager name (first and last) of the employees who also have the same salary.
*** The query would be the code you would type in oracle apex to be able to answer the 3 questions asked, after that you would also need to attach the answers you get after typing your codes/queries (can be the table you might get, numbers, or names). Finally, write at least 100 words of assumption about the assignment and results you would get. ***