Rock Paper Scissors-also known as "Roshambo" and Jack en poy-is a very simple game. There are two players in the simplest version. Each player chooses one of the three choices, rock, paper or scissors, with the hope of beating what the other player chose. As shown in the adjacent diagram, scissors beats (cuts) paper; paper beats (covers) rock; rock beats (crushes) scissors.
Create a simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game (between 2 players) with a JavaFX UI. Create this game as a networked game. Create a that is the server program that handles the game logic and controls all game sessions. It waits for connections from players and pairs them up to play a game. It should create a separate thread for each game session. Also create a that is the client program handling player moves (with JavaFX UI). It should initiate a connection with the server and then play the game once assigned to a game session. Each game session includes playing 5 turns and then declaring the winner. After that, ask the players if they want to play again or quit. The client program receives the game configuration from the server and updates its UI with the points. No game logic checking should happen on the client side. It should all be done on the server side. Use the tic-tac-toe example provided in the course shell as a starting point and example.