Assume you are assisting the coaching staff by designing a database to document results for each event in the district track meets (multiple meets at multiple locations). Student athletes may participate in multiple running events and multiple field events. Your design should track information about coaches. Your database should track the student winners in first through third place for each event.
Design ALL Tables needed to build a database solution for the scenario described above. Be sure to follow principles of geed design (normalize) as you go. Describe the tables in TEXT format (identify foreign keys in some way that is clearly visible if you don’t like italics):
TABLE(PrimaryKey, attribute, attribute)
Assumptions: Make and state assumptions as needed. Be sure your design reflects these assumptions.
Go ahead and SHOW foreign keys in your entities on the ERD even though they are not technically supposed to be there. LABEL relationship lines with words, be sure to mark cardinality (min and max on both ends of each line).
Describe the Table Structure of each table.