This project deals with students selecting courses to add to their schedules. You will implement the logic to add courses to a Schedule (Schedule.h and Schedule.cpp). This will involve writing the code to add Courses to a Container, writing a display function, and working with iterators.


#include < utility>
#include < algorithm>
#include < numeric>
#include < iterator>
#include < iostream>
#include "Schedule.h"

using namespace std::rel_ops;

* @todo sanity check - is this function complete?


* @todo implement this method.
int Schedule::getCredits() const
// Replace this stub return.
return -1;


* @todo implement this function
void Schedule::appendNoCheck(Course course)


* @todo implement this function
bool Schedule::wouldViolateCreditLimit(Course course) const
// replace return true with the actual logic
return true;


* @todo implement this function
bool Schedule::alreadyInSchedule(Course course) const
// replace return false with the actual logic
return false;


* @todo implement this function
void Schedule::display(std::ostream& outs) const
// Write your output loop before this line
outs << " (" << getCredits() << " Total Credits)" << "n";



#include < iostream>
#include < list>
#include < vector>

#include "Course.h"

constexpr const int CREDIT_LIMIT = 12;


class Schedule {
* Aliases for the different possible containers
* After your code is working, switch between them.
* You should have identical results for all of them.

// using CourseCollection = std::list< Course>;
using CourseCollection = std::vector< Course>;
using iterator = CourseCollection::iterator;
using const_iterator = CourseCollection::const_iterator;


* All courses in _this_ schedule.
CourseCollection allCourses;

* Add a course the the schedule. This is a standard
* linked list append.
* @pre (!wouldViolateCreditLimit && notAlreadyInSchedule)
void appendNoCheck(Course course);


* Construct an empty schedule

* Retrieve the total number of credits
int getCredits() const;

* Attempt to add a course AND
* perform all validation checks by calling:
* - wouldViolateCreditLimit
* - alreadyInSchedule
* - appendNoCheck
bool add(Course course);

* Check if adding this course would violate
* the CREDIT_LIMIT. This is an evaluation of
* (toAdd.getCredits() + this->totalCredits) > CREDIT_LIMIT
* @returns false if adding the course
* would not violate the CREDIT_LIMIT
bool wouldViolateCreditLimit(Course course) const;

* Check if a course with the same number is already
* present in the schedule.
* @returns true if while traversing the collection
* of courses, a course with the same course number
* was found
bool alreadyInSchedule(Course course) const;

* Display a listing of each course and
* the total number of credit hours
void display(std::ostream& outs) const;
iterator begin();
iterator end();
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;

* Return the number of courses in the schedule
size_t size() const;


bool Schedule::add(Course course)
if (wouldViolateCreditLimit(course)) {
return false;

if (alreadyInSchedule(course)) {
return false;

// Success - all checks passed
return true;


Schedule::iterator Schedule::begin()
return allCourses.begin();


Schedule::iterator Schedule::end()
return allCourses.end();


Schedule::const_iterator Schedule::begin() const
return allCourses.begin();


Schedule::const_iterator Schedule::end() const
return allCourses.end();

size_t Schedule::size() const
return allCourses.size();

* Print the Schedule through use of the display member function
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &outs, const Schedule &prt)
return outs;

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