Write a simple sequence-number system through which three concurrent processes, P1, P2, and P3, each obtain unique integers in the range [1, 500]. Use the fork() call to create P, P2, and P3. Given a file, F, containing a single number, each process must perform the following steps:
Open F
Read the sequence number N from the file
Close F
Output N and the process' PID (either on screen or test file)
Increment N by 1
Open F
Write N to F
Close F.
Describe the behavior of your program and explore the reason for this behavior. Provide evidence for your conclusion in form of test-output. You must clearly document your code. NOTE: All programs must compile and execute on the CSE machines. It is imperative that the sequence number files is located on the local disk. On Linux, the \tmp directory is located on the local file system.