The main file should be called shop.c or shop.cpp. Inside Homework folder.
For this assignment you will be programming in c++/c and creating a store inventory system. The program will load in a file through the command line to represent an unordered list of items in the inventory of the store.
Each item in the file will have the following properties, separated by a semicolon.
Name - 100 alphanumeric max
ID - 10 alphanumeric exactly
Quantity in store - integer
Sale Price - double/float
Cost - double/float
After reading in the items, create a heap with the items. The program will take in a command as the second argument detailing which property to sort the heap by. You can sort based on the following,
Quantity, Sale Price, Cost, Net Profit Margin, Percent Profit Margin.
After sorting, place the items in an output file with the same layout as the input file.