Assessment Details

SpellBee is a competition for local school children to compete against each other to find out who is the ultimate Spelling Bee Champion for the region. Two students from each school are selected to compete in the Championship Round.

Your task is to design, develop and test a small application for managing the Championship results.

Stage 1: Design

This stage requires you to prepare documentation that describes the function of the program and how it is to be tested. There is no coding or code testing involved in this stage. A document template has been provided for your use.


  • Read through Stage 2: Program Development to obtain details of the requirements of this program.
  • Write an algorithm that describes how the program will operate.
    • All program requirements must be included, even if you do not end up including all these requirements in your program code.
    • The algorithm must be structured logically so that the program would function correctly.
  • Prepare and document test cases that can be used to check that the program works correctly, once it has been coded. You do NOT need to actually run the test cases in this stage; this will occur in Stage 3: Testing.
    • All program requirements must be included, even if you do not end up including all these requirements in your program code.
    • Make sure the test cases include checking of data entered by the user to make sure that only valid data is accepted. If the user enters invalid data, the user should be informed of this and given another chance to enter the data. NB: As we have not covered exception handling, you may assume that the user will always enter the expected data type.
    • Test cases should be documented using a template like the one below. You may include extra information if you wish. At this stage, the Actual Result column will be left blank.
Test Case, Expected Result, Actual Result
Display Results selected, Each competitor is listed in order of highest score to lowest scores, with their position, name, school and final score identified.

Stage 2: Program Development

Using the Design Documentation to assist you, develop a Java program that uses object-oriented coding approaches to record and report upon the SpellBee Championship round, implementing the requirements outlined in this section.

You must follow coding conventions, such as proper layout of code, using naming conventions and writing meaningful comments throughout your program.

Overview of the Program:

This section provides an overview of how the program works from the users perspective. You may change the appearance of the program provided you implement the same functionality.

1. When the program starts, it provides a short message for initializing the contest administration system and prompts the user to enter the number of questions in the competition. The user must enter a whole number greater than or equal to 1, otherwise the system keeps prompting for the required number of questions until a valid entry is made.

Initialising Contest Administration System...
How many questions are required? (minimum of 1):

2. Once the number of questions required is obtained, the program automatically initialises. This initialisation includes creating the contest, creating the schools, creating the students and registering the students in the contest.

How many questions are required? (minimum of 1):
>>> Initialising Championship <<<
... Successfully created contest SpellBee Championship

>>> Registering Participating Schools <<<
... Successfully registered Lilla School
... Successfully registered Walungurru School
... Successfully registered Areyonga School
... Successfully registered Amoonguna School
... Successfully registered Mutitjulu School

>>> Creating Student Records <<<
... student Harry Potter created.
... student Ronald Weasley created.
... student Hermione Granger created. student Draco Malfoy created.
... student Neville Longbottom created.
... student Vincent Crabbe created.
... student Gregory Goyle created.
... student Luna Lovegood created.
... student Pansy Parkinson created.
... student Anthony Goldstein created.

>>> Registering students in contest <<<
... Successfully registered Harry Potter representing Lilla School 1
... Unable to register Harry Potter. Duplicate registration.
... Successfully registered Ronald Weasley representing Lilla School
... Unable to register Pansy Parkinson. School registration limit met.
... Successfully registered Hermione Granger representing Walungurru School
... Successfully registered Draco Malfoy representing Walungurru School
... Successfully registered Neville Longbottom representing Areyonga School
... Successfully registered Vincent Crabbe representing Areyonga School
... Successfully registered Gregory Goyle representing Amoonguna School
... Successfully registered Luna Lovegood representing Amoonguna School
... Unable to register Anthony Goldstein. Contest registration limit met.

<<< Initialisation complete >>>

3. When initialisation is complete, a menu appears providing the user with options to Enter Results, Display Results, View Program Credits or Exit Program.

SpellBee Championship Administration
Please select an option below:
1. Enter Scores
2. Display Results
3. View Program Credits
4. Exit program

4. When the user selects the Enter Scores option, the user is prompted to enter the scores each student obtains on each question in the contest. These scores must be whole numbers between 0 and 10.

Enter Scores
Scores for Question 1
Enter score for Harry Potter:
Enter score for Ronald Weasley:
Enter score for Hermione Granger:
Invalid score: must be between and 10.
Enter score for Hermione Granger:
Enter score for Draco Malfoy:
Enter score for Neville Longbottom:
Enter score for Vincent Crabbe:
Invalid score: must be between 0 and 10.
Enter score for Vincent Crabbe:
Enter score for Gregory Goyle:
Enter score for Luna Lovegood:
Scores for Question 2
Enter score for Harry Potter:
Enter score for Ronald Weasley:
Enter score for Hermione Granger:
Enter score for Draco Malfoy:

a. When all results have been entered for the contest, a message Score entry complete appears and the menu is shown again.

Scores for Question 5
Enter score for Harry Potter:
Enter score for Ronald Weasley:
Enter score for Hermione Granger:
Enter score for Draco Malfoy:
Enter score for Neville Longbottom:
Enter score for Vincent Crabbe:
Enter score for Gregory Goyle:
Enter score for Luna Lovegood:
Score entry complete

SpellBee Championship Administration
Please select an option below:
1. Enter Scores
2. Display Results
3. View Program Credits
4. Exit program

5. When the user chooses the Display Results option, the results of the championship are displayed by student. Students are listed in order of their total scores across all questions, from highest to lowest, and their name, school and total score earned are shown. The menu is then redisplayed.

SpellBee Championship Results
1. Hermione Granger Walungurru School 49 points
2. Luna Lovegood Amoonguna School 47 points
3. Ronald Weasley Lilla School 41 points
4. Harry Potter Lilla School 38 points
5. Neville Longbottom Areyonga School 32 points
6. Draco Malfoy Walungurru School 27 points
7. Vincent Crabbe Areyonga School 5 points
8. Gregory Goyle Amoonguna School 4 points

6. When the user selects the option to View Program Credits, a message is displayed providing authorship information for this program. The main menu is then redisplayed.

Program Credits
This program was developed by:
Amy Meade, student ID 30000000
for ITECH1000 Programming 1 Semester 2 2017

7. When the user selects the option to Exit program, a message thanks the user for using the system, and the program terminates.

SpellBee Championship Administration
Please select an option below:
1. Enter Scores
2. Display Results
3. View Program Credits
4. Exit program
Thanks for using the SpellBee Championship Administration System

Technical Information:

This section provides technical implementation details required by the programmer to create the program. You must address these requirements as specified.

Development of this program requires four classes: Contest, Student, School and Competitor as well as a Driver class to control the flow of the program.

Driver Class: Name this file ID3XXXXXXX, where the Xs are replaced by your student ID. This class will contain a main() method to manage the flow of the program, and other methods as necessary to ensure the code is modularized and functions correctly.

Contest Class: This represents a Contest, in this case the SpellBee Championship round. Use the class diagram below as the basis for designing your class.

- name: String
- MAX_COMPETITORS: int {readOnly}
- NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS: int {readOnly}
- MAX_SCHOOL_ENTRANTS: int {readOnly}
- competitors: Competitor[]
~ Contest(String, int, int, int)
+ getContestName(): String
+ getCompetitorLimit(): int
+ getNumberOfQuestions(): int
+ registerCompetitor(Student)
- capacityReached(): boolean
- schoolLimitReached(School): boolean
+ enterScores()
+ viewContestScores()
- sortResults()

Student Class: This represents a Student from one of the participating schools. Use the class diagram below as the basis for designing your class.

- name: String
- enrolledSchool: School
~ Student(String, School)
+ getName(): String
+ getSchool(): School

School Class: This represents a local School participating in the SpellBee Challenge. Use the class diagram below as the basis for designing your class.

- name: String
- registrationID: String
~ School(String, String)
+ getName(): String
+ getID(): String

Competitor Class: This represents a single Student registered to compete in the contest, and the scores they obtain for each question in the contest. Use the class diagram below as the basis for designing your class.

- competitor: Student
- quizScores: int[]
~ Competitor(Student, int)
+ setScore(int, int)
+ getScore(int)
+ getCompetitor(): Student
+ totalScore(): int

Initialising the Program:

Initialising the program requires the following steps:

  • Prompt the user to enter the number of questions required for the championship. This must be a minimum of 1 question and is a whole number to be stored as an int. Initialisation cannot proceed until this number has been obtained.
  • Create a new Contest for the SpellBee Championship. For this task, you will set the maximum number of entrants to 8 and the maximum entrants from any one school to be 2.
  • Create a new School for each of the participating schools.
    • You must select any four schools that are local to your university campus and create a School to represent each of these.
    • Each Schools name must match the name of a local school you have selected. You can make up any id for that school.
    • For testing purposes, you must create a fifth school that will not end up competing in the contest. This is to demonstrate that further entries will not be accepted into the contest once all available entries have been filled. This school must be named after you.
  • Create new Students to compete in the contest. Each Student has an attribute that stores their School. You may choose the names for your own students.
    • Make sure you have enough students to fill the contest and for testing, to demonstrate that the limit on competitors from any one school is enforced and that further competitors cannot be registered once the contest is full.
  • Register the Students to compete in the contest. Registration occurs by creating new Competitors, which comprise a Student and an integer array that stores the Students scores for each question. These Competitors are stored in the competitors array. This array must be full when registration is complete.
    • You will need to make sure that each student is only registered once in the contest.
    • There is a limit on the number of students from a single school in each event. Make sure that this limit is not exceeded.
    • When all places in the event have been filled, no further registrations may be accepted.
    • The user should be advised with a message if any of these issues occur. Your initialisation code must include attempted registrations that result in each of these issues.
  • Advise the user that initialisation is complete,

Running the Program:

1. Entering Scores

  • Scores for each question should be stored in the quizScores array for each Student
  • The user is to be prompted to enter the scores for each question for each Student. All scores for Question 1 will be entered first, continuing for each successive question number until all questions have scores entered. Each score is to be read as an int and updated by accessing each Student in the competitors array and using the setScores(int, int) method to update the quizScores array. Tip: This method takes two integer parameters. One of these represents the question number the student has answered. The other represents the score they obtained for that question.
  • You may assume that the users results entry is the correct data type (that is, an int). You do not need to check to make sure that the user does not enter non-numerical characters.
  • If the user selects the option to Enter Scores after having already entered these, the earlier scores will be overwritten.

2. Displaying Results

  • Displaying the contest results requires sorting the Students in order of the total scores they obtained and presenting this information in a readable format. The results display identifies each students finishing position, their name, the school they attend and the total score they achieved across all questions.
    • To sort the students, you will need to write a sorting method that finds the total score for each student and rearranges their position based in the array based on this total.
    • If two or more students obtain the same total score, then the order of the students and their placings will be determined based on the order their results were entered.

3. Viewing Program Credits

  • No special processing is required for this section. A simple display of the credit information is all that is needed.

4. Exit Program

Stage 3: Testing

Using a copy of the test cases developed in Stage 1: Design, test the program you have developed in Stage 2: Program Development. Document your results, including both failed and successful tests.

Note: Please do not leave out any failed tests. If your testing highlights that your program has not worked correctly, then the failed tests help to demonstrate that you have been testing your program properly.

To show that you have tested your program, include small (but readable) screen captures in your Actual Results as well as any explanatory comments. Microsoft Windows includes a Snipping Tool that is useful for taking captures of the relevant parts of the screen.

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