Congratulations! Recently, you responded to a Request for Proposal (RFP), and you were awarded the contract to deploy, configure, and manage the SQL Server for the CSU Global Student Management System.
You are required to perform the following steps:
1.Install SQL Server 2012/2014, using unattended method to standardize installs.
2.Configure the TCP to run on port TCP 4459.
3.Create a database named CSUGlobalEdu with following settings:
4.Create following tables using scripts:
Name, Data Type, Constraint
Course Number, Int, Primary Key
Course Name, Nvarchar (30), Not null
Time of the Day, Time, Not null
Room, Char (10), Not null
Room Capacity, Int Not null
Course Description, Nvarchar (3000), Not null
Credit Hours, Int,Not Null
Name, Data Type, Constraint
Address, Nvarchar (100), Not Null
InstructorID, Int, Primary Key
Phone Number, Nvarchar(10), Not null
Office, Int, Not null
Office Hours, Nvarchar (30), Not null
Department, Nvarchar (15), Not null
Department ID, Int, Not null
First Name, Nvarchar (30), Not null
Last Name, Nvarchar (30), Not null
Name, Data Type, Constraint
Address, Nvarchar (100), Not Null
StudentID, Int, Primary Key
Phone Number, Nvarchar(10),Not null
Major, Char (10), Not null
GPA, Decimal (3,2), Not null
First Name, Nvarchar (30), Not null
Last Name, Nvarchar (30), Not null
5.Develop scripts to INSERT data into Class, Instructor, and Student tables. Load the tables with sample data with at least 10 rows.
6.Construct and execute queries that match the following criteria:
7.Generate a certificate for the database.
8.Develop a SQL query to generate a new symmetric key for encrypting data.
9.Develop a SQL query to alter the Student table and a new column names StudentDataEncrypt with data type varbinary(128).
10.Create a backup plan with following criteria: