The file must be called stringProg.cpp
Main Method
1. Declare a string called myString.
2. Use Call-by-reference pass your string to a method called inputData(); (Hint:uses the &)
3. Use Call-by-value and pass your string to a method called outputData(); (Hint:does not use the &)
inputData Method (Receives string)
1.Get input using cin >> into the string variable you received into this method. (I will be entering my full name in the format of: Last, First Middle.
2.Using the string methods mentioned in this units lecture, have your program change the string to: First Middle Initial Last.
3.I would like you to break the string you received apart into 3 separate variables:first, last, middle. (Hint: use find() to find the "," and spaces and usesubstr() to extract the pieces)
4.Use string concatenation to reassemble the string and overwrite the string you received with the new value.
5.You must use each of the following string methods (at least once): substr(),length(), find(), insert(), erase().
6.Notice the "," is missing out of the name.
outputData Method (Receives string)
1.Output the new string to the screen using cout <<.
2.Comments are required, but pseudocode or flowchart are not.
3.All Input/Output should be done using the standard C++ library string class.
4.Include: system("PAUSE"); after your output to pause the screen.