You have been hired to create a student tracking system to support student/instructor lab time documentation.
Create a program to keep track of when a student arrives and when a student leaves a lab. Also allow an instructor to sign in and sign out of the system.
Data that should be track include, student, instructor, courses, locations (campus, building, room) and times.
Create a report that will produce a list of instructors and the students that visited the lab under those instructors broken down by date.
You can use any development environment you choose, e.g. Python, ASP.Net, C#, Java, PHP, C++, etc. The data can be stored in a of the data. Make sure you provide instructions on how to install, setup the application in a text file named "readme.txt". Since you implementation languages and tools are your choice, please provide a narrated video that demonstrates your working software. Consider your instructor the client who hired you to create the software
If you have any questions, please ask them early. This is a significant project.
Usability and functionality should be the prime objectives. You have creative control but please see the rubric to make sure you know what you will be graded on.
This is a very important component of the course. Your completed, working project is proof that you have achieved the learning outcomes/competency of the degree. The program competencies for the Computer Programming & Analysis A.S. are as follows: