Prerequisites for this project:
Using the Supermarket Case Study in chapter 5 as a model, write a program for a company that sells various products. This program will be a application that displays a summary of an order.
The program must ask the user for the number of products ordered, the number of products in stock, the price of the product, and whether there are special service charges. The basic Service charges for all products is $10.00 per product. If there are special service charges, the program should ask the user for the special service charges per product.
Refer to the test run in the below screenshot. Your output must look exactly the same as the output in the test run.
You will need to decide, based on the function definitions that follow, whether any parameters will be value or reference parameters. Only use reference parameters when necessary. Declare variables as necessary.
Your program must have the following 6 functions.
Important - All 6 functions must be void functions with the correct number and type of parameters. Your program must execute as long as the user wishes to enter another product
1. inputNumProductsOrdered - this function will validate the number of products ordered
2. inputNumProductsInStock - this function will validate the number of products in stock
3. inputProductPrice - this function will validate the product price
4. inputSpecialServiceCharge - this function will validate the special service charges
5. getProductInfo - Using the above functions, this function will ask the user for:
6. showProduct - this function will display:
You must thoroughly document all functions that you create. In addition, all functions must contain preconditions and postconditions.
Test your program using the data in the sample dialog that follows. Your Test Run should look exactly like the one on the next page.
Don't forget to copy your output to the bottom of your .cpp file.
You must also include a separate document describing your approach to completing this project. Your document should include at least 3 or 4 paragraphs and should address:
How many products were ordered? 8
How many products are in stock? 10
What is the product's price? 100
Are special service charges required? (y or n): n
Order Summary
Products ordered: 8
Ready to ship: 8
Subtotal: $ 800.00
Service Charges: $ 80.00
Total Due: $ 880.00
Do you wish to do another order? Y
How many products were ordered? 15
How many products are in stock? 10
What is the product's price? 100
Are special service charges required? (y or n): y
Enter the amount of any special charges: 5
Order Summary
Products ordered: 15
Ready to ship: 10
On backorder: 5
Subtotal: $ 1000.00
Service Charges: $ 150.00
Total Due: $ 1150.00
Do you wish to do another order? Y
How many products were ordered? -2
The number of products ordered must be one or more. Please re-enter.
How many products were ordered? 2
How many products are in stock? 0
What is the product's price? 100
Are special service charges required? (y or n): y
Enter the amount of any special charges: -5
Special service charges must be zero or more. Please re-enter
Enter the amount of any special charges: 5
Order Summary
Products ordered: 2
Ready to ship: 0
On backorder: 2
Subtotal: $ 0.00
Service Charges: $ 0.00
Total Due: $ 0.00
Do you wish to do another order? n
//Determines the retail price of an item according to
//the pricing policies of the Quick-Shop supermarket chain.
#include < iostream>
const double LOW_MARKUP = 0.05; //5%
const double HIGH_MARKUP = 0.10; //10%
const int THRESHOLD = 7; // Use HIGH_MARKUP if not expected
//to sell in 7 days or less.
void introduction();
//Postcondition: Description of program is written on the screen.
void getInput(double& cost, int& turnover);
//Precondition: User is ready to enter values correctly.
//Postcondition: The value of cost has been set to the
//wholesale cost of one tiem. The value of turnover has been
//set to the expected number of days until the item is sold.
double price(double cost, int turnover);
//Precondition: cost is the wholesale of one item.
//turnover is the expected number of days until sale of the item.
//Returns the retail price of the item.
void giveOutput(double cost, int turnover, double price);
//Precondition: cost is the wholesale cost of one item; turnover is the
//expected tie until sale of the item; price is the retail price of the item.
//Postcondition: The values of cost, turnover, and price have been
//written to the screen.
int main()
double wholesaleCost, retailPrice;
int shelfTime;
getInput(wholesaleCost, shelfTime);
retailPrice = price(wholesaleCost, shelfTime);
giveOutput(wholesale, shelfTime, retailPrice);
return 0;
//Uses iostream;
void indtroduction()
using namespace std;
cout << "This program determines the retail price for\n"
<< "an item at a Quick-Shop supermarket store.\n";
//Uses iostream:
void getInput(double& cost, int& turnover)
using namespace std;
cout << "Enter the wholesale cost of item: $";
cin >> cost;
cout << "Enter the expected number of days until sold: ";
cin >> turnover;
//Uses iostream:
void giveOutput(double cost, int turnover, double price)
using namespace std;
cout << "Wholesale cost = $" << cost << endl
<< "Expected time until sold = "
<< turnover << " days" << endl
<< "Retail price = $" << price << endl;
//Uses defined constants LOW_MARKUP, HIGH_MARKUP, and THRESHOLD:
double price(double cost, int turnover)
if(turnover <= THRESHOLD)
return (cost + (LOW_MARKUP * cost));
return (cost + (HIGH_MARKUP * cost));