Update your existing website with PHP Contents
For this, you will create minimum two files (you can create more .html/.css files if you are using local/internal navigations and individual files styling)
1. php.html
2. php.css
php.html file should contain information about PHP basics. The page you will create must have the introduction of PHP and its usage as server side scripting language (2-3 Paragraphs). This page must have either embedded or local navigations that describe four main parts of PHP:
1. Data Types: Variable declaration, constant, types of variables (local and global).
2. Operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Logical operators.
3. Control structures: if statements, switch statement and loops
4. Loops and arrays
For each part, there should be proper navigation. While explaining any part assume that you are writing a book page on that concept. So make sure, it lists concept, its usages and at least one programming example (keep programming code small. Refer to W3Schools and follow the similar programming styles.)
php.css file contains all styles required for php.html file. All pages should have interesting styles (font styles, layout styles, images proximity etc.) Make sure you choose right element for the contents. For example choose < h1> for main and < h2> for subheading etc.