Choose an EPUB within the Gutenberg Project. You must not choose Eugnie Grandet ... be original!
Prepare a short questionnaire with at least 3 questions about the book in question. You are not evaluated on the choice of questions, but to be acceptable, the questions must be relevant to the chosen book. Make this quiz interactive using JavaScript. For example, use for this purpose the example where we asked the year of birth of Balzac. If you have a good command of JavaScript, you can also innovate! Note that your questionnaire must be valid XHTML! You can validate your XHTML document online.
Open the EPUB in Sigil. Add your questionnaire to the ebook and create a new version of the document.
Open the newly created EPUB file in appropriate software. Hopefully you've created an interactive eBook!
Send your file to the person who is supervising you for correction.
Some EPUB players do not support JavaScript. On the other hand, JavaScript is supported by iBooks (Apple), Readium, etc.