Create a folder called Unit99 and put your source file in this folder.
Create a Java program file called and place it in the Unit99 folder.
The program will generate 100 random integers between 0 and 9 (Hint: use Math.random()). The program will then display the count for each random number. You will need to use an array and loops. The output should look something like the following and will be different every time you run the program.
*** Here are the counts of the random numbers ***
Number of times 0 appeared: 10
Number of times 1 appeared: 12
Number of times 2 appeared: 16
Number of times 3 appeared: 9
Number of times 4 appeared: 12
Number of times 5 appeared: 7
Number of times 6 appeared: 7
Number of times 7 appeared: 8
Number of times 8 appeared: 10
Number of times 9 appeared: 9